Recipe Metrics and Properties

August 7, 2024

Every Recipe rule requires a timeframe, metric or property, operator, and a value. This document contains all the available timeframes, metrics, operators, and properties you can use when constructing your Recipe rules.


A timeframe is essential in every Recipe rule to specify the period over which the conditions should be evaluated. It sets the context for analyzing data, ensuring that decisions are based on relevant and timely information.

  • Requirement: Each timeframe must begin with the phrase ‘over the’ to establish the period of evaluation.
  • Options:
    • last X days: Allows you to specify any number of days up to 180, focusing on recent performance.
    • lifetime: Evaluates conditions over the total duration of the data available in Merch Jar. It's important to note that "lifetime" refers to the entirety of the data Merch Jar can access, which starts from the date of account sync. Initially, Merch Jar can pull in data from the previous 90 days, extending further as more data is accumulated over time.
  • Limitations: For last X days, a maximum of 180 days can be selected, providing extensive coverage while maintaining data manageability. The "lifetime" data may not encompass all historical data if the campaign predates the earliest data point Merch Jar can retrieve.


  • Short-term Analysis: over the last 30 days clicks > 5 — Evaluates whether there have been more than 5 clicks in the past 30 days.
  • Long-term Analysis: over the lifetime orders = 0 — Checks if a campaign has failed to generate any orders since the earliest data point available to Merch Jar.


Metrics are quantifiable data points used to measure the performance of your advertising campaigns. They typically involve numerical values and are evaluated over specific timeframes. They must be combined with a numeric operator and a numeric value.

Available Metrics
















KDP-Specific Metrics

The following metrics are only available for KDP ad accounts:

blended profit

blended acos

blended roas

blended rpc

blended cvr

blended cac

blended aov

adjusted sales

adjusted orders

adjusted page reads

adjusted estimated royalties

pages read

estimated royalties

Numeric Operators








Numeric Values

Numeric values can be integers, decimals, or percentages for applicable metrics.

  • 8
  • 1.2
  • 25%


Properties are attributes of campaigns or ads that reflect their current state or configuration, such as whether a campaign is enabled, its name, or its bid value. While properties must be included within a rule that incorporates a date range, they do not analyze historical data but rather provide a snapshot of the ad's or campaign's present condition. Properties are categorized into three types: String, State, and Date.

String Properties

String properties must be used with a string operator and a string value, which must be enclosed in quotes.

campaign name

ad group name

String Operators




does not contain

starts with

ends with

String Values

These are text-based values that must be enclosed in quotes.

  • "lottery"
  • "broad_match"
  • "1st priority"

State Properties

State properties require a state operator and a state value, which should be text-based and enclosed in quotes.


State Operators



State Values

State values are treated as string values and must be enclosed in quotes.

Synonyms: active, running

effectively enabled
Indicates an entity is delivering - i.e. it is enabled and is also contained within enabled elements.



Date Properties

Date properties must be combined with a numeric or state operator and a date value.

campaign start date

campaign end date

Date Operators

Accept all numeric operators and specific date operators.

before (synonym: <)

after (synonym: >)

Date Values

Date values should be expressed as a relative term such as 'X days ago' and are converted into YYYYMMDD format when evaluated.

  • > 7 days ago
  • before 14 days ago


  • '> 7 days ago' becomes '> 20240317' and will include any dates after the date March 17th, 2024
  • 'before 14 days ago' becomes 'before 20240303' and will include any dates before the date March 3rd, 2024

Boolean Operators

Boolean operators are essential tools in constructing Recipe rules, allowing you to combine multiple conditions within a single rule or to link several rules within a single Recipe. They are fundamental in defining complex criteria that reflect specific advertising strategies.


  • and: Ensures all conditions connected by this operator must be true for the rule to be applied. Used to enforce stricter criteria by combining conditions that must all be satisfied.
  • or: Allows any of the conditions connected by this operator to be true for the rule to be applied. Used to broaden the criteria, offering flexibility by accepting multiple possible true conditions.

Example Usage:

  • Combining Conditions: (over the last 7 days acos > 25% and orders > 4) — This rule is true if both conditions are met within the last 7 days.
  • Combining Different Timeframes: (over the last 7 days acos > 25% and orders > 4) and (over the last 30 days cpc > $0.65 or ctr < 0.2%) — This rule applies if the conditions of both the last 7 days and any condition from the last 30 days are met.

For a more detailed explanation of how these operators function and additional examples, please visit our comprehensive guide on Boolean Logic.

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