Merch Jar for KDP
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Get Started For Free
Get Started For Free
Create powerful automations to streamline your ad workflow.
Smart Campaigns
Automatically create and negate keywords from search terms.
Bulk Actions
Make changes across all your campaigns in just clicks.
Free Amazon Seller Tools
Streamline your Amazon advertising with our Free Seller Tools. Designed to give you actionable insights and time-saving solutions, these tools help you optimize campaigns, make data-driven decisions, and boost your ROI.
Target CPC Calculator
Optimize your bids for better profitability. Input your target CPC to get suggested bid ranges that align with your campaign goals.
Breakeven Profit & ACoS Calculator
Gain a clearer understanding of your actual costs and potential profits. Enter your expenses and revenue to calculate your breakeven ACOS and profitability metrics.
ACOS to ROAS Calculator
Turn your ASIN data into meaningful metrics. This tool translates your ASIN information into actionable Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) insights.
Campaign Structure Flat File Builder
Streamline your bulk campaign management. Use this tool to build flat files that can be uploaded directly into Amazon, saving you time and reducing errors.
Get Started For Free