This recipe is used to pause low performing keywords.
These options apply to Recipe options.
over the last 7 days state = effectively enabled
// and campaign name does not contain "lottery" // Keyword exclusion. Use this to exclude campaigns using keywords in your campaign name
// and ad group name contains "close match" // Keyword inclusion. Use this to only include ad groups that contain specific keywords in your ad group name.
// === 0 Orders Lifetime ===
over the lifetime // Date range selection
orders = 0 // Order threshold
and clicks >= 30 // Click Threshold
// and spend > $8 // Use to ensure minimum spend based on fixed amount.
// === 1 Order Lifetime ===
over the lifetime // Date range selection
orders = 1 // Order threshold
and clicks > 60 // Click threshold
// and acos > 80% // ACOS Threshold. Use to ensure minimum spend based on product price.
// and spend > $15 // Use to ensure minimum spend based on fixed amount.
/* === Recent Poor Performers ===
Used to pause poor performers based on recent sales data
over the last 90 days // Date range selection
orders <= 1 // Order threshold
and clicks > 60
// and acos > 80% // ACOS Threshold. Use to ensure minimum spend based on product price.
// and spend > $30 // Use to ensure minimum spend based on fixed amount.
over the lifetime
orders < 8
// and clicks > 60 // Click threshold
// and acos > 60% // ACOS Threshold. Use to ensure minimum spend based on product price.
// and spend > $30 // Use to ensure minimum spend based on fixed amount.
/* === Aged Poor Performers ===
Used to pause poor performing keywords that have a longer sales history but are no longer performing.
over the last 180 days // Date range selection
orders <= 4 // Order threshold
and clicks > 60 // Click threshold
and acos > 80% // ACOS Threshold. Use to ensure minimum spend based on product price.
// and spend > $30 // Use to ensure minimum spend based on fixed amount.
over the last 21 days // Set recent performance threshold
orders = 0
// and clicks > 60 // Click threshold
// and spend > $30 // Use to ensure minimum spend based on fixed amount.
over the lifetime // Set lifetime thesholds
orders < 20
// and clicks > 60 // Click threshold
// and acos > 60% // ACOS Threshold. Use to ensure minimum spend based on product price.
// and spend > $30 // Use to ensure minimum spend based on fixed amount.
/* === End Trigger=== */
==== Action ====
Set State: Paused
Daily Frequency