Merch Jar Updates | March 23rd, 2021

June 7, 2023

This is the first of our update videos where we provide you transparency with everything going on behind the scenes of Merch Jar And we'll do this with periodic updates, which will include things like new features, bug and bug fixes, and any other relevant information that could be useful to you as a Merch Jar user. All new update videos will be added to this Update's playlist on YouTube.

So, make sure to subscribe so you get all the latest updates. The first feature update is Smart Bid Settings Changes in your Smart Bid settings, you'll now find tooltip recommendations for ACOS threshold and max bed adjustment, which will tell you how conservative or aggressive your daily max bid changes and give you a warning if you're too conservative or aggressive. As well the threshold gives you a warning if it's too large or small and will have a negative impact on the Smart Bid's effectiveness. Next four features, additional marketplaces are now in beta and should start sinking your campaign data to your Merch Jar account. If they're not syncing, make sure you have the marketplace enabled in the settings underneath the manage field.

If you don't see your account, make sure to follow the missing an account instruction here in the settings to link your account to your existing ad account. I would also like to point out that each marketplace has its own Smart Bid settings, so make sure you are adjusting those settings accordingly. For bugs and fixes, earlier this week we had a bug affecting some users promotions where they would not trigger on live campaigns.

All the bugs affecting promotions should now be patched up at this time and promotions running as normal for all users. And one other bug fixes this week affecting a small number of users in cases where there are tens of thousands of ads inside of a single campaign. There were instances where some users weren't able to sync their campaign data, and this has now been patched.

That's it for this update. Let us know what you think of this new update format and what else you'd like to see in the comments.

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