đź”´LIVE: Bid & Budget Adjustments | Dec. 4 Update | 2022 Holiday Ride Along

June 7, 2023


So, we need to make some changes here to our bids. I could do some of this in ad console. I'm going to end up doing a lot of this Merch Jar because it gives you some extra tools and filtering that's hard to do inside of ad console.

If you are not a Merch Jar user, you can just use your ad console to make some changes. You do this in your Targeting. One thing I don't like about the Targeting is that you can't filter by product if you're doing like single ASIN campaigns and be able to filter using a specific ASIN that can't really be done in targeting. You do it in bulk operations where you can do more of that so you can download your spreadsheets and so forth. I'm not going to do that. So, we're going to jump over to Merch Jar.

Dashboard Updates

So, we're over in Merch Jar now on the dashboard, and we just did a recent dashboard update to add the CPC, Cost Per Click graph to our dashboard area. And the other big change we made is that the graphs now follow your date range so you can look at a longer day period if you want and update the graphs and you can track longer periods or if you want to react shorter, you can do that. You can also just click and drag to zoom into a specific area.

ACOS Analysis

So, we're looking at just the last week of data that we've been looking at since last Sunday. And you can see our ACOS has been steadily increasing over this week as well as the Cost Per Click. Also going up, which probably has something to do with that conversion rate somewhat flat. But we need with how high the ACOS has been the last few days. Today is really high. That tends to become less as order data comes in. There's a little bit of delay with that, though, that tends to improve over the day or once the numbers start to finalize next day, 48 hours so that should improve. So, we're not actually at a 61% ACOS, but it's still higher than I'd like to be. And just based on how much we've spent in total versus our total royalties, we're receiving in as just higher than I really want to be. I wanna get closer to that kind of 1 to 1 ratio that I mentioned earlier.

So, before I make any changes to my bids, I'm going to adjust my target ACOS across all my campaigns because this can be used to help us figure out what our bids are with our target cost per click. Merch Jar has a field here that calculates what your cost per click should be based on what you have your target ACOS set and the conversion rate that you're seeing for your products over the time period that you have set.

So, you can see here with some of these having a 26, 24%, etc ACOS, it tells us what our target CPC should be based on the conversion rate we've been getting over this date range. And then it gives us kind of a, that's more of a barometer that we can use to see where our current cost per click is versus what that target cost per click is.

And that doesn't necessarily mean we want to set the bid to what the target cost per click is, especially if you're using things like placement adjustments or up and down bidding strategy that could modify what your bid actually is and in effect to what your cost per click is. But it gives us more of that barometer that we can say, okay, our target CPC is much lower than our CPC. We want to start bringing our cost per click towards our target CPC. So, we're going to lower our bids to be closer to that. And it just gives you some idea of how far away your current bid is versus where you need to be.

Target ACOS

So, we're just going to change the target ACOS across the board for all of our products. I'm going to set it to a 30% ACOS which is a little higher than break even. It's on average about 25, 26% ACOS for my products. That's break even. I'm being a little more aggressive with the holiday season, so I'm just going to be 30% across all of my products. And then for my hero product, I think I'm going to set it at 35%. I still want to be more aggressive with that to compete with some other high competition, high converting products that I'm competing against. So, to change the target ACOS, I'm just going to select all of my campaigns, bulk action, target ACOS and we're going to you know, I could believe it. Let's just really just start it here. And I could set this on the account level. So essentially the way the target ACOS works is I can set it at the account level. If I jump into my settings, I can do that or I can set it for each campaign. So, what I did was just delete it. So, everything's taking the default account level target ACOS.

So, I'm just going to jump over to my settings. This will be the easiest way to change my default target ACOS. Let's just set it to 30%. That should update everything.

And if we go back to our campaigns, we'll see that it is at 30% across the board.

And if we want to modify that just for our hero product, I'm going to type just part of the ASIN into the search bar to bring up just the campaigns for that.

We're still at 35% and I'm just going to apply a bulk action to all of them. So, selecting the arrow and select all bulk actions, target ACOS. We're going to set it to 35% and let that run. All right. So that has updated and now it's 35% across the board for our hero products that adjust what the target CPC is again based on what our organic cost, conversion rate and the product price is, that gives us what our ideal cost per click should be to hit that number that we want.

Bid Adjustment

And now that we've updated that, we can move over to start adjusting our bids. And I'm going to do all of this manually. And where I do most of that is in the Targets and the Keyword section of Merch Jar. We're going to start with the Target section. Targets are going to include any auto campaign target. So that's your close match, loose match, compliments and substitutes and any ASIN targets from your manual targeting campaigns. All right.

So, let's start making some optimizations. First thing I'm going to do is adjust our date range and I'm going to start our date range at Tuesday after Cyber Monday because this is going to be the most similar kind of sales and performance that's been happening that's currently happening where Cyber Monday is kind of that anomaly, big sales day. So, I want to exclude that sort of data. So, I'm going to start with Tuesday and just go through today and I have some safe filters that I can end up using. I think I'm just going to do this manually with our filters here and I'm going to keep this pretty simple. I'm not going to make this overly complicated.

Essentially, what we do is take stuff that's over my target ACOS and decrease the bid. I'll do that at a couple of different levels. So more of a decrease on the higher the stuff that's further away from my target ACOS has a really high cost and smaller adjustments or stuff that's pretty close to what my target says. And then just increase the bid on my Performers as well. So, anything that's has a really good ACOS, I'm going to make some adjustments to it and then we' ll do some other adjustments as well. Things like that aren't getting Impressions or have Clicks, but no Orders will take a look at that too.

Let's start with our high ACOS targets and adjust those. So, we're going to start with ACOS and let's do anything that's above. Let's do 75%. So, if there's anything really high and there's a couple different methods, we could do with this. We could start with anything above 35% and do a small, say, 10% adjustment. Then we move it up to anything greater than 45 to another 10%. I'm going to kind of bracket these where I'll make a separate adjustment to each one, but there's a couple of different ways you could do that. You could just kind of keep stacking adjustments on top of the same, but I might do more of a bracketing method, so I'm going to separate each one. So, if anything greater than 75%, then, for example, 50 to 75%.

All right. So, here's our target. We have nine targets that have ACOS of greater than 75% since last Tuesday. And they have at least one order because it has an ACOS. So, we want to lower these bids. And normally I would want at least two orders before I'm doing any kind of bid adjustments based on the ACOS. I want more points of data than just one.

However, these need to have some adjustments made because even though it only has one order, it's still spending quite a bit and with how high my bids are right now, I want to make some adjustments. And based on what this ACOS is and what our conversion rates are, again, we can see our target ACOS our target CPC compared to our current one and kind of see how far away we are and how big of an adjustment that we need to make. The most of these are pretty far apart.

I'm not going to make super drastic. I'm not going to do anything like a 50%, which a lot of these looks like at least a 50% decrease in target CPC. That's a pretty big adjustment. I don't want to just take all of these and just completely wipe them out where they're not getting impressions. But I am going to make a fairly sizable adjustment and I'm just going to select all of them and change bid and we're going to decrease the bid. I'm going to do a 30% decrease, so still pretty sizable and let that run. Now that the bids change, we can kind of spot check just see where it's at versus what the previous cost per click was and where it's at in relation to our target cost per click.

So, you can see most of these have gone closer to what our target CPC is. We're below on our cost per click. Our bid is below what our cost per click is. So that should help stabilize these and bring down that costs ideally in the next, we're just going to kind of move down the lines. We're going to do a in a cost between 50 and 75% now. So still pretty high. And we're just going to do a similar thing here. And if you want to exclude anything from here, you can use the search bar to do that. So, for example, if you want to exclude Lottery Campaigns, which may not be a terrible idea for me since I'm doing those manually, I can type in -not:lottery. And this will exclude any Lottery Campaigns or ad groups from this. So, you can see some of those were Lottery Campaigns. And if I had multiple keywords, for example, -not: ”exact match”, I could do that as long as I wrap it in quotes. And I could also do multiple negation keywords from here as well. But I'm going to stick to just the Lottery Campaigns.

I just did some adjustments on those yesterday, so I don't need to mess with those yet. I want them to start getting data based on the new bids. So, I'm going to keep it where it's at. So, these are campaigns that have between 50 and 75% ACOS. You can see our CPC versus our target CPC, and we're going to make a similar adjustment change bid, decrease it. I'm going to go 20% on these and let that run. And now that the bids have refreshed to what the new bid after that 20% decrease. I'm just going to just quickly spot check these make sure, see where the new bid is versus the cost per click and the target CPC. And you can make some small minor adjustments for that.

For example, these two here did not, they're still pretty close to what the CPC is that are getting 50 and 70%. So, we can do an adjustment. So, from 157 and this is just I'm just kind of decreasing more. I'm not really doing math and you can see what the bid history is too. If you want to get a little more data on that. I mean, you can see recently in the last several days, it's been a little all over the place as the bids have changed quite a bit.

So, we're going to bring this down and I think something like our target, CPC's $0.78 an hour, something like 110 on 15 is probably fine and we're going to do something similar with this. So, 135 and 93, you split the difference a little bit, but 110, that feels fine. Enter and let that save and then we're going to keep moving. So now we're going to do, oh, let's do we're going to keep 50% on the top end. And our target is 35, I think anything I guess 30 is our target. So, I would say let's do 40 and 50%. These are our targets that are at between 40 and 50% ACOS. And again, we can kind of spot check these real quick, see where we're at, but we need to decrease those. And I'm not going to do as big of a change. I'm only going to do a I think ten or 15% would be okay. I think I'm on to a 10%. And these aren't too far away from where we want to be. We're still being aggressive and I don't want to make too large of changes. I'm in here making changes daily for the most part, sometimes multiple times a day. Just as I check and see kind of where today's data is versus the last. And we might do that after this, because currently we're looking at the last, what, six or so days of data. We may also spot check that against the last two days of data, three days of data, just to see if there's any major differences there with the more recent cost per click. And that's something that's important with just this time of year how much things change. You need to be in here kind of often. And this is where a tool like Merch Jar really shines to be able to adjust these date ranges versus bulk operations where you're constantly having to download different reports. This kind of will can really speed up your workflow when you're constantly shifting your date ranges, your filters on the fly. But if your not Merch Jar user and you're kind of just using this to learn, you can sign up for your free trial. There's no credit card required, so it doesn't cost you anything. You can optimize your bids through the rest of the holiday season and the rest till the end of the year, at no cost to you. So, if you'd like to get started with your free trial and speed up your workflow, there'll be a link in the description to sign up for free. And similar process here is going to spot check these out that we've made our adjustment just to make sure everything's okay.

So, for example this one here, our target CPC isn't too far away, so I'm okay with just setting that to our target CPC and it's going to kind of spot check each one after that 10% adjustment. This one's too close to the CPC versus the target. We're going to change that to, I don't know, 125. This one needs to come down a bit. Let's just call this one $0.95 and this one as well. So, this is why I mean, one, it's just kind of a gut feeling, just kind of this is what you gain once you do a little bit more advertising, you can just go in, make some adjustments. You don't need to do math on each one of these to figure out exactly what the bit is, because it just doesn't matter that precisely as long as you're kind of moving that bit towards what your target CPC is based on what that current data is. And then our last decrease in bids for our poor performers, we're going to do a, let's see, 33 to 40%. We can even do maybe 35 the 30 threes. Okay, I think, however, I want to not include my zero product because I want a little bit higher ACOS with that. So, anything for my hero product, that's 40% higher. And you can see a few of them here that have the 35%. I can negate that as well by doing the same thing as the lottery by another not so forth. There's only one here. That's not so. I'm going to do this. I can just do a manual adjusting for out need to do any kind of bulk adjustments. This one's 35% a little bit. This one we actually want to bring up closer to our target, CPC. I'm just going to set it at what our target CPC is to hit that 30% across. And that's it for our poor performers that have at least an order. So, anything that we've done has ACOS or in this time period has at least one order.

So now we're going to move to our Performers and we're going to do a similar kind of bracketing system with this. And I think we're going to start on the top. And anything that's got a 24 or 25% ACOS, I’m going to do I think three brackets, something like 18 to 25%, 10 to 18%, and anything below 10%. We'll start with this one here. You see, I still got the lottery. I don't have another filter. So, these are ones that are performing well. And you see they're green here based on what the target ACOS is.

So, these will not increase bids generally. And I'm just going to spot check. We'll look at what the bid is versus our target ACOS per click. We can increase these and some of them, it's not going to really matter if we increase it or not, especially if there's a huge difference between what our bid is and what the cost per click is. There just may not be competition where it's you could set your bid at $10 if you wanted to, and there's just not competition at those higher bid levels that the cost per click is going to raise. But it is possible. So, we generally just want to still increase the bid across the board with all these so same kind of thing. I'm just going to select all these and these are the closest Performers to our target ACOS. I'm going to do the smallest increase in bids, make sure we got increase bid percent. You can do this by a dollar or so. It's a specific thing. I generally do a percentage increase because the bids are going to really vary across all my campaigns. Sometimes for a specific target or campaign, it's got, you know, 30% bid versus another one. It needs a $1.50 bid. So, a five-cent increase is a lot more proportionately for that lower bid one, and could have a lot more volatility or variance to it than a doing a five-cent bid on a $1.50 existing bid where it's just not going to really make as much of a difference. So, we're doing small changes across the board with these 10% bid should do it with where these are currently sitting out over the last several days of data. And we're going to keep moving. So, we're going to do now our 10 to 18% and do an increase here. This one was due 15%. So, we're going to going to stagger and do a little bit more because these are performing even better and a little bit further from our target ACOS. And you can spot checked the bid versus target CPC.

I'm just going to keep moving. That's something you can do. And now I'm going to do anything below 10% to do this with ACOS. You do want to type in in Merch Jar 0.1 or some kind of digit here because anything 0% is going to show zero orders as well, which we don't want to includes. We're going to do anything between 0.1 and 10% to make sure we're only grabbing stuff that has an order. And these are our best Performers. So, stuff that's getting orders from few clicks and it's not tons of data, but we want to push these as much as possible while iron's hot.

So, we're going to select all them and let's do a 20% bid. And you could be more concerned. This is kind of on the higher side. But if it's performing now. Let's try to get as many clicks and impressions and hopefully that conversion rate continues. And if you do want to be a little more conservative, you could limit this to at least two orders. So that would obviously really limit the number that we're increasing on or even have a click threshold as well to just have even more data. Make sure you're only increasing stuff on things that have been a little more valid. And at one point of data, one order in seven clicks isn't tons of data. And I'm being a little bit more aggressive. So, I'm okay increasing bids on these that maybe I want it normally through most of the year. I want more data. All right.

So now we've decreased bids on stuff with orders that isn't performing. We've increased bids on stuff with orders that is performing. Next, we want to take a look at stuff that doesn't have any orders, but it's getting clicks. So, we're going to get rid of the ACOS filter and we're going to add an Orders filter. It’s only stuff that has zero and we only want stuff that has clicks.

And this is where you could set a threshold or what we want to see is stuff that's getting a lot of clicks that maybe we just want to lower the bid down a little bit. Let's see how much we got with anything. It's got more than ten clicks and a ton and you can see in total this is only $11 and spend over that.

And based on what I'm spending in total, this is a whole lot. So, let's bring this down. Let's see anything more than six that's doing for us that's a little bit better and about $62 ad spend so still not a ton over this date range but it doesn't hurt to lower these so this is just another item to look at. I'm just going to do just a small decrease in bid.

They haven't really gotten sales. We're just going to do 10%. And then the last thing I'm going to look at for this date range is anything that's not getting impressions. We're going to take off clicks. I'm going to take off orders and anything that's getting, we could just do equal zero impressions. We can also set a threshold which I tend to like a little bit better, in which case I do want to also just aim is not getting, actually, you could leave off but you could add a click threshold if you're doing something like, listen, I don't know, 20 impressions over the last several days.

I mean, this is only on average or five impressions per day. So, we could increase this well as well to get more. The other consideration I'm making is I'm spending a lot in relation or at least yesterday I spent a lot in relation to what my current profit is today as well. So, you could skip this. What this, I should mention what this optimization is, but I'm increasing bit on stuff that's not showing very often. Yes. And this is something you want to check as well, especially as competition changes or increases throughout the holiday sales season, stuff that was being seen getting impressions and getting clicks and getting orders with a certain level of bid three days ago may not even be seen anymore today if there's more competition. But the entry price to compete for the bid has just gone up to where your bid is no longer competitive. So, you need to keep an eye on this to make sure they're still delivering. And this is particularly true for your best sellers, your hero products. Make sure those campaigns are selling. Right now, I'm just doing kind of blanket across the board optimizations or this now. So, I'm going to stick with 30 impressions and see how many targets we get.

And it's 969, so pretty high amount. But I'm going to just do a very small, I'm only going to do a 5% increase. So, we're not talking a lot and that may increase a little bit of spam, but shouldn't be too crazy. And this is just, again, across the entire account. So, I'm being a little bit more conservative.

All right. So that optimization is done. I'm going to clear the filters and change our date range. I'm going to spot check Thursday through today and I'm going to add a State filter, make sure it's only things that are enabled, and then just look at my targets that have a really high ACOS against. Let's just look at 50% or the last couple of days and we're just in a spot check me is make sure everything looks okay so this is anything greater than 50%.

And you can see just over the last couple of days I do have some that are pretty high. And if we look at again the target CPC, this gives us an idea of where we should be versus the cost per click. And this is more recent data which is always better, especially this time of year. And we're mostly going to be concerned about the ones that are really spending. We could just do a blanket adjustment. It looks like one is already close to the target CPC. Some of these other ones are quite a bit higher, but I'm really more concerned about this one spending $300 plus. So those single targets are spending over $100 a day. And I'm going to start just by doing an adjustment on all of them. I'm going to skip this one because that's the one that stands out to me. That's pretty close or it's already at the target CPC. So, I'm just uncheck that and skip it and I'm just going to do a, let's do a 15% once that syncs. That is the one that I will spot check again. All right. Bids have adjusted so I'm just looking through the where we're at in relation to our CPC and our target CPC and just kind of eyeballing if anything's so close to the current, the actual cost per click.

I'll just I think this is good again I don't need to necessarily match actually this one I might raise up just to be a little bit more between I don't want to be, I don't want to be making too large of an adjustment once where they just stop delivering it at all. And I still want these to deliver, especially ones that are getting 200 orders. I don't want to just take those out of the running, but I also need to start making a little bit more profit or heading in that direction. And if you want to keep going with this, you could do a similar thing where we can take a look at, again, 35 to 50% and we could remove anything. For example, my hero product, we'll just remove and we're just going to spot check CPC versus target CPC and you can make some. I don't need to do anything too crazy. We can some of these are a little higher. We could just do a small, another small adjustment decrease bid go 10%. All right. Bit have updated and we're going to spot check this. One's below our target CPC. Now, we're doing a little bit of manual adjustment there. This one could come down and I forgot to add in also not Lottery Campaigns which I have a feeling were part of this, but that's okay.

All right. So, we're going to look at that for our performance and we're going to do now look at our best performers. Let's start at bottom 0.1 and let's just go to 15%. We'll just do this maybe in two adjustments. Again, we're looking at small date range. So, I'm not yeah, again, really low amount of data with one order across all these or anything that's really performing.

Let's get rid of, let's include my hero product. Now with this, let's get rid of Lottery Campaign so I'm just typing in -not:lottery and again you can spot check this. Do you even need to make adjustments? Everything's already above what our cost per click is. This one is not, we can make a manual adjustment there or just do blanket, but I think I'm just going to do some manual. There's a couple like here, the $0.65 doing well. So, let's just pop this up to I don’t know and let's go $0.80 and this one here. We want to make sure, it's above the cost per click. You can see the target is $3. We're not going to just jump to $3. That's that's crazy. But we can do something like $0.95.

We don't have tons of data. So again, I mean, even these increases I made, I wouldn't normally make these I would do much more gradual. But I want to hit as many sales as possible. Right now, I can't stress enough I would normally be doing more of like a daily 2% bit increases kind of thing. But when you're in, you know, January, February, there's less competition. You just have more time to optimize. Everything's fitting into a few weeks here in the holiday sales period and it changes so often. You just need to, you really need to stay on top of it. Everything else looks okay. So, we're just going to change our brackets again. And let's go 15 to 24%. Sounds good and same deal. Let's just check out what the cost per click is versus what our current bid is. This one we can pop up and I think we're fine with the rustling there above the cost per click. Some of these could have been part of our last round of optimization, although it doesn't look like, would you have last bid change in here as well, which can be useful as well as a bid history if you overlay. So, another advantage to using a tool, we're starting to get a little bit more data as well as, you know, just some other columns. If you want to go by like revenue per click or conversion rate, there's just some additional pieces of data you can use and target CPC is one that I use quite a bit is again use as a barometer.

And then I think the last thing I'm going to do is get rid of our costs and I'm going to change our date range. You just yesterday and today, and then I'm going to filter down to just our hero product. Now I want to see anything that's not getting impressions, just for our hero product just yesterday and today. And this is again going back to keeping on top of bids, not being competitive enough. And I'm just going to do an increase across the board, small increase, probably get some impressions on these. And this being my hero product, I'm okay being a little more aggressive on this. I'm not impressions across the board. I'm going to go 15% and that's it.

So that's our last optimization for targets and to save time, I'm not going to do the keywords, but I would take the exact same optimizations over to the keywords and run them there.

So just to recap. Real quick, that's going to be a little longer date range. So, I'm starting with Tuesday and I'm going to keep using that date until we get a little further, probably maxing out at about the last seven days of data, again starting with Tuesday, because that's just Cyber Mondays, kind of its own thing. It's a bit of an anomaly compared to after that. So, we're starting with Tuesday post-Cyber Monday to current date and then we're decreasing bids on of our high ACOS, keywords, and targets and you can bracket those and stagger the bids if you'd like. So higher or bigger changes on those bids, the further they are away from your target ACOS, then we increase bids on our Performers, anything that's got lower costs. And then we looked at anything that had zero orders but was getting clicks and you can actually make a small just there to decrease bids. And then we looked at anything that wasn't getting impressions. It made a small increase there to start getting impressions on those. So, keep them competitive. And last, we used a more recent date range just to spot check our targets in keywords and most specifically your hero products. That's where you want to spend most time. If you're going to do any of that, you could limit that just to your hero products. And we did eliminate Lottery Campaigns from a lot of these optimizations. You could include those. I do prefer to optimize those manually at this time because of utilizing placement and just adjustments on those a little more heavily than I do on my other campaigns. I'm not going to walk through how to do that in this video, but I just did a video on how I optimize my Lottery Campaigns. That’s in the link in the description if you're interested in learning how to do that. And then the last thing, I'm going to do for just general optimization is check my budgets to make sure I need to increase anything.

They're generally pretty high and it's fairly early in the day, but is it going to be something else I'm just doing throughout the day and I keep this pretty simple. You could use the Budget tab, but just as throughout the day as I'm going through it, I'll just scroll down and see, is there anything out of budget? This one is, and I'll look at what the ACOS is and what the campaign is for. This doesn't make sense to increase. And I'm just kind of using gut feeling and based on the performance, what this looks like and I do have a longer date range, so I'm going to start there. I’m going to do some kind of similar process.

I'm going to have a little longer date range go through is like ad doesn't really make sense to adjust it based on this performance. So, this one had a 47% with nine orders. Maybe, maybe not. It's already out of budget, so there's a lot more it could do against pretty early in the day. So, I'm probably going to increase it, but I'm going to keep it where it's at for now. And I'm just going to scroll through. Is there anything else out of budget? Something else? They're not great and I am based off of what the campaigns are too, and I can't even see what they are just because they're blurred out. So, I will make some decisions on what the campaign is as well or what specific product it is. So, a couple of ways you can do this. You can start with the longer date range than move to a shorter date range, or you could do it in reverse. Like does it make sense based on short term data? I'll even look at just today's data as well when making these kinds of decisions. So, if we look at that, you can see Amazon is going to give you a recommendation. You can use that if you like. Sometimes, they are really high compared to what I think you would actually spend. Like today, they're only showing I've spent 265 on this campaign and it's already recommending 725. Does that make sense? I mean, not. Yeah, I'm going to make sure it gets closer to out of budget for making the decision to see where it ends up. This would be another way you can increase budgets as well. So, as they run out of budget, you can look at what the ACOS is, what the current ad spend is, and you can even compare that to what you're actually saying. Like, see, what you've sold today is like, okay, I've, I've sold at least one of these. Or as one gets closer to budget, if I've only made $5, for example, and this one's already spent $11 two, I want to increase it when I can see I haven't sold enough to make up in ad spend.

And that's where you can use some of these other date ranges to make that decision. Well, let's look at some additional data. Let's look at how it's performed over the last several days, because one day a data not just not a ton and there is delay in the orders. So, this could actually have three orders on it. And we just don't have that data yet. But all we can do is just based on what the data that's being presented. So, this one here as recommended of $3. Sorry, got an order today. So, I'm, I don't really care what's happened in the last several days. This is a small enough budget I'm going to go above. I mean, five, $6 would be fine. You need to get rid of pause. We only want enabled campaign and just scroll. Okay. So, nothing really out of budget. Yep. This is what I would do throughout the day on this one. The one that's already out of budget and you could go in as well and make some adjustments to the bid if that's, you know, again on the fly. CPC might be a little high based on, you know, what you've seen previously other date ranges. I'm essentially, I'm looking for a reason to increase the budget generally. I'm looking at multiple date ranges and when I increase we need to sort these different sort these by ad spend. I don't know how it was being sorted here to ah, here we go. No wonder I can't find it. This one's just been high over the last several days, so maybe this isn't something I want to increase.

I think I'm just going to let that one go. Based on just the last few days of data, it's high. I'm trying to lower spend. So, unless I have some good reason for it, I'm just going to. I mean, for example, if it's a Lottery Campaign, something like that and a couple other these other ones are on a budget. So, let's just kind of look through these $10, not great out there as well. I think we're good on the budget, but this I'll I'll do several times throughout the day this time of year. This is the not the only time of the year that I'll do this or I'm not going to my computer, but I am checking it multiple times a day, especially for budget is one of the worst things you can do is be budget cap with these ever changing competition, how much traffic there is to where your ads just stop delivering, especially the ones that are performing and they just stop delivering and you lose rank and you lose that sales velocity. So, it can have large ramifications and you do have more time that you can check this. You could lower your budgets each day. So, we're going to go through a day and at the end of the day, we're just going to kind of slash budgets and check those each day kind of as it goes and go through this process, I'm looking at the data. I don't generally do that slash budget, especially since it's just generally going to increase for me throughout the sales season. So, I'm really just looking at on the fly like once I increase something to like this one for 50, I'm probably not going to bring that down unless the performance is really bad. Where I want to micromanage a little bit more and then I might decrease the budget because then I can see go through the same operation of looking at different date ranges, look at all the data before it spends too much.

That's about it for the optimizations that I would make, you could get into a little bit more with your hero products and checking it versus the competition, which I'm not going to walk through it, but I am generally keeping an eye on my hero product versus a few of its known competitors that I compare it to. So, looking at things like it's BSR versus their BSR to see where they're at, you can also use tools like Helium ten.

Here, you graph the competition to see what your rank is on specific keywords versus others. And if you need to target or focus on specific keyword and you can even reverse engineer your competitors if you really want to dove in to the details for them and see how much they're advertising still as we move through the holiday season, and that can be based on, again, with a tool like Helium Ten here, using Cerebro where you'll look up a specific ASIN and it'll tell you what their sponsored rank is on a search term.

So, you can see one if they are advertising at all and get a sense of how aggressively they are as well. And that can help guide you on how aggressive you need to be with your product versus that competition as well. I think we're there with the optimizations. Stay tuned for more update videos and videos on tips and tricks throughout this holiday season and different strategies you can make. And if you haven't already, make sure to subscribe and like below. If you found anything useful on this video and we'll see you in the next one.


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