ACoS to ROAS Calculator

Use the instant calculators below to calculate ACoS to ROAS, ROAS to ACoS, or to calculate your ROAS or ACoS directly!
Enter your ACoS (in %) to see your ROAS
Enter your ROAS to see your ACoS
Enter your ad spend and revenue to calculate your ROAS
Ad Spend ($)
Revenue ($)
Enter your ad spend and revenue to calculate your ACoS
Ad Spend ($)
Revenue ($)
What is ACoS? What is ROAS?
How is ACoS calculated?
Both ACoS (advertising cost of sale) and ROAS (return on ad spend) are metrics used to gauge how well your ads are performing. They are both ratios of the sales generated from your ads, relative to your advertising spend. They serve as key metrics for evaluating Amazon advertising performance at a glance, giving you the necessary data to make strategic decisions about budget and bid changes to optimize your ads.

ACoS is simply the inverse of ROAS. It is calculated by dividing your advertising spend from your from ad revenue. So if you spend $100 to generate $500 in sales, your ACoS would be 20% ($100 / $500 = 0.20 = 20%). A lower ACoS is better, indicating more efficient advertising spend.

ROAS is calculated by dividing your revenue from ads by your advertising spend. So if you spend $100 to generate $500 in sales, your ROAS would be 5 ($500 / $100 = 5). A higher ROAS is better, indicating more efficient advertising spend.

ROAS is quickly becoming the standard way to measure your ads, particularly as Amazon starts to phase out it's usage of ACoS.
Learn more about ACoS →